Friday, July 24, 2009

Meals - General Guidelines

Typically, I start my day with a bowl of plain oatmeal and mix in about 2 tablespoons of Cold Milled Flax.
I was a 4 cups plus a day coffee drinker. However, lately I only drink coffee about 1 or 2 times per month. It was hard to quit, but after about six months I don't notice any difference in my activity level...meaning...I don't need the caffeine to get started in the morning. I drink tons of water throughout the day. I take a nalgene bottle so I can monitor my intake.
Lunch normally consists of 4 oz portion of fish (normally salmon or white fish). I will add a super large salad or ton of brocolli. I don't measure my veggies. I just try to maximize what I eat. Again, I will drink a water at lunch. It sounds a little boring, but after a few weeks of eating this way you actually begin to crave the vegetables and the water. Dinner varies week to week. I like to eat as many vegetables as possible and fresh is always best. I do buy a lot of frozen vegetables though. Sams Club has nice portions of mixed, broccoli, etc... My goal is to fill at least 2/3 of my plate with veggies and fill in the rest with turkey, chicken, or fish. I will make brown rice or basmati rice too. However, I really keep the starches to a minimum.

Friday, July 17, 2009

What is the diet?

This information is intended to drive awareness of potential health care alternatives and should not be considered as medical advice. A qualified health-care professional should be seen for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.

My current diet is still in transition.  My goal has been to find a life style change that I can make work for my family as well.  I have been using a combination of two diets that are currently popular.  The Abs Diet and the pH Miracle are both easy to read.  The  Abs diet is much more mainstream approach and offers more information on exercise as a means of maintaining a healthy life style.  The pH Miracle is a much harder look at the chemistry in your body and how an alkaline pH versus an acid pH in your body affects you.

The Diet and Treatment

The diet was a response to my skin cancer.  This diet was not intended to be a cure for xanthelasma. However, after being on the diet for almost a year now, I believe my current diet and the treatment I use for my holistic skin cancer treatment has been effective in treating the xanthelasma.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sharing my experience with Xanthelasma and Skin Cancer

I am a 47 year old male that has had mild xanthelasma.

I have had xanthelasma under both eyes for about 5 years.

In 2008,  I went to a dermatologist for a check up on some suspicious spots on my shoulders, nose, and ears.  Additionally, I had the doctor looks at the xanthelasma.

It turns out that I had two carcinomas on my shoulders and one on my nose.  All were removed with no additional problems.  The xanthelasmas under my eyes were considered cosmetic and I opted not to pursue any treatment at the time.

After being diagnosed with the carcinomas, I became concerned about additional ones surfacing and began to read many blogs regarding diet and holistic treatment programs.  I came across several interesting blog postings and some with very far-out claims for cures and prevention.

I found a diet program and treatment regimen that has helped me considerably.